Bond Cleaning

Bond Cleaning Services

Bond Cleaning is an obligation on the part of the tenant to clean the leased house or unit at the end of the lease term. Besides fair wear and tear, the property should be in the same condition in which it was at the time of leasing. If the landlord finds any dirty spaces or unclean areas in the house, it can lead to substantial cuts from the deposit.

Losing the bond and ending the relationship with the landlord on a sour note after breaking your back cleaning the house is the last thing you need when you are moving. Thus, most tenants look for bond cleaning Brisbane to thoroughly clean the leased property that covers every room from top to bottom.

The professionals know the tricks of the trade and are experts in the field. They provide services to commercial and residential tenants, making them highly knowledgeable and skilled in flawless cleaning. They make every effort to bring the property back to its original condition so that the tenants can get their bond back in full without any dispute or trouble.

Normal Cleaning Services Charges
  • 1 Unit $38.00
  • 2 Unit $78.00
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